4 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Place for Your New Piano

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4 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Place for Your New Piano

25 April 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you've just bought your first piano, the hunt is probably on to find the right place to keep it. You can't put a piano just anywhere, though. There are many different factors to consider. A properly stored and cared for piano will last for many years and may even become a family heirloom. Before you settle on the space where you're going to put your new piano, think about the following factors.


Pianos are made with wood encasements that can warp due to high humidity. Fluctuations in the humidity can be just as damaging, because the humidity can cause the wood to swell, then result in silent keys and problems with tuning. The high humidity levels can also lead to mold, mildew and even weakened strings. If your home has a moderate or somewhat high humidity level, install a dehumidifier in the room where the piano will be.

Just as too much humidity can be problematic, so are rooms that are too dry. If your piano is placed in a room that is excessively dry, it can sap the moisture from the wood. In dry rooms that are carpeted, you may even risk static buildup, which might damage the keyboard component of the piano.


Pianos do best in rooms where the temperature is consistently around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Too warm or too cold a room can be damaging to the wood glue as well as the wood condition. To ensure consistent, even temperature, check the room for drafts before you put the piano in. Insulating the windows will help you maintain the temperature. If you want to reduce the risk of cold seeping through the floor, you can put a throw rug in the room where you'll have the piano.

Fans, Fireplaces & Air Vents

Any time you have a fan, air conditioner or fireplace in the room, you need to be sure that there are several feet between those air sources and your piano. This ensures that you don't risk any moisture, excess heat or other contaminants around the piano. After all, air vents can blow residual dust around the house and into the piano, and fireplaces generate dust and other debris as well.


Once you do invest in the piano, make sure that you put it into the room some time before you actually want to use it. If possible, give it a couple of weeks to acclimate to the environment in your home. This allows the wood, wires and keys to adapt to the ambient temperature and humidity levels in your home. Once it has done so, it's time to have it tuned. Waiting until it's settled ensures that you get the proper tune from the piano. Otherwise, you risk having to re-tune the piano again once the wood has relaxed and the piano finds its natural sound. This waiting period should be standard any time you move the piano, because the climate can be different from home to home.

If you're not sure where the best place is for your piano, you should talk with your local piano service shop. They can evaluate your home and help you find the right space to put it. Then, once the piano is in your house, plan a cleaning right away so that you can remove any residual dust or contaminants from the wood, keys and inner components of the piano. The more proactive you are about choosing your space and caring for the piano, the cleaner and more true the sound will be when you play. With these tips and the help of a local piano shop, you will get the longest possible life from your piano without inadvertently causing damage to the keys or the wood. For more information or tips, contact companies like A Best Movers Inc.